CleanPlex for MGI Plated Single-Indexed PCR Primers


NOTICE: Paragon Genomics has made a packaging change from our MGI Single-Indexed Primers in single-tube format to 96 well-plated packaging. The MGI Single-Indexed PCR Primers products available in a single-tube format have been discontinued and are now available as plated products available in 96 and 384 reaction sizes.

The CleanPlex® for MGI Plated Single-Indexed PCR Primers are high-quality ready-to-use PCR primers for DNBSEQ™ library construction. They are compatible and designed for use with all CleanPlex for MGI NGS Panels to construct targeted libraries for sequencing on an MGISEQ NGS platform.

Product Description

The CleanPlex for MGI Single-Indexed PCR Primers are high-quality ready-to-use PCR primers for DNBSEQ™ library construction. They are compatible and designed for use with all CleanPlex for MGI NGS Panels to construct targeted libraries for sequencing on an MGI NGS platform. The index sets comprise of primer pools that form uniquely indexing samples for multiplexing samples per sequencing run. Samples with using unique indexes can be pooled, sequenced together,  then demultiplexed for analysis. 

CleanPlex Single-Indexed PCR Primers for MGI Sequencers
DescriptionSKUReactionsAvailable indexes/KitFormat
CleanPlex for MGI Plated PCR Primers, (96 unique indexes, X 1 rxn)3180139696 Index pools1 Plate
CleanPlex for MGI Plated PCR Primers, (96 unique indexes X 4 rxn)31801438496 Index pools1 Plate

Primer Sequences:

Each sample is indexed by a pair of Indexed PCR Primers for sequencing on MGISEQ platforms.
XXXXXXXXXX denotes the index region of the primer.

Universal Primer


Indexed Primers



  • Please refer to CleanPlex for MGI NGS Panel User Guide for instructions on using CleanPlex for MGI Single-Indexed PCR Primers.
  • Use a compatible circularization kit with single indexed primers.
  • This plated product contains the same primers as tubed indexes set A- F ( SKU 318001-318012)
  • The trial kit is not plated, but includes 8 tubed indexes. 

Storage Temperature:

Store at -20°C

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Additional Information

Weight40 g
Pack Size (Reactions)

8, 96, 384

CleanPlex Amplicon Sequencing Library Kit Product ImageCleanPlex for MGI Plated Single-Indexed PCR Primers
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