AACR 2019 Annual Meeting | Booth 2547
March 29 – April 3, 2019
Atlanta, GA
Join us at AACR 2019 in Atlanta, GA!
Booth #2547 | Exhibit Hall at Georgia World Congress Center
Stop by our booth to meet our team and learn how you can discover more with less™ using CleanPlex® NGS Panels. We will be featuring the following new technology and products:
• CleanPlex® Technology for tumor profiling – multiplex PCR-based targeted sequencing for rapid detection of somatic mutations across 2,900+ hotspot regions
• CleanPlex Research Award s learn how you can apply for this award & advance your research in genomic medicine!
• ParagonDesigner™ Portal – simplifies building of custom NGS assays via a web-based tool
Check out the data in our posters
Tuesday, April 2, 2019 | Exhibit Hall B | Poster Section 36
8:00am – 12:00pm
3532 | Tumor mutational burden (TMB) assessment and variant detection using an ultra-high multiplexed 20,000 amplicons NGS panel via a rapid 4 hour workflow
3533 | Low-frequency variant detection in cell-free DNA by integrating double-stranded unique molecular identifiers with ultrafast amplicon-based library preparations
Contact us to schedule a time to meet and discuss your project needs.
Come play our game &
win a “Crazy Rich” t-shirt!