VarSome Clinical – Somatic Mutation Analysis Add-on

VarSome Clinical is a CE IVD-certified and HIPAA-compliant platform allowing fast and accurate variant discovery, annotation, and interpretation of next-generation sequencing data for targeted gene panels. Paragon Genomics partners with VarSome Clinical to provide a full solution for clinical sequencing.

This SKU is for the somatic mutation analysis add-on to the base VarSome Clinical analysis.

SKU: VC-1004 Categories: , ,

Product Description

VarSome Clinical is a CE IVD-certified and HIPAA-compliant platform allowing fast and accurate variant discovery, annotation, and interpretation of next-generation sequencing data for targeted gene panels. Paragon Genomics partners with VarSome Clinical to provide a full solution for clinical sequencing.

Some CleanPlex Panels have been designed for germline and somatic mutation, while some CleanPlex panels have been designed specifically for  somatic mutations. A Varsome Clinical – Somatic Mutation Analysis add-on is needed to complete the Varsome Clinical analysis of these panels.

Unit price is for one sample analysis from FASTQ to annotation for the following CleanPlex Panels. To analyze multiple samples, please purchase the quantities corresponding to your sample numbers to be analyzed.

Analysis SKUApplicable CleanPlex Panels
VC-1004: VarSome Clinical – Somatic Mutation Analysis Add-onCleanPlex BRCA1 & BRCA2 Panel v3
CleanPlex BRCA1 & BRCA2 Panel for MGI
CleanPlex TP53 Panel1
CleanPlex OncoZoom Cancer Hotspot Panel1
CleanPlex OncoZoom Cancer Hotspot Panel for MGI1
CleanPlex TMB 500 Panel
CleanPlex Custom Panels

1Somatic Mutation Analysis required

For additional optional costs related to using VarSome Clinical, please refer to the data storage and data transfer pages.

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VarSome Clinical – Somatic Mutation Analysis Add-on